Resting My Heart

Being single doesn't mean that we never get hurt. i do, i get hurt all the time, by the person i care about, i care about him doesnt mean i like him. he can be from my past or nah. but yes my heart is empty more than 2 years and now it s still empty. i sometimes realize that i like someone but i know that person still never fits in my heart. well iknow maybe it means that i'm still not ready for the new love.  i used to think that i am not good enough for anyone but now i realized that no one is good enough for me yet. and im still strong enough to handle things all by myself so that's why im still single hehe.

Btw i love this green tea cake so muchhhhh it tastes like heaven hehehe

Ala Ala

This pictures were taken 2 days ago. All of my classmate and i went to Go Rich Cafe to have a photoshoot for our year book or as known as bts. Well i knew that our yearbook photographer will only take picts for bts so i brought my very own photographer hehehe and my photographer which is my school mate we always have the same opinion about photography so here are our 'foto ala ala'

btw my class' yearbook theme is fashion revolution, cute huh?